Hi. I’m Prateek Gianchandani.

Om Mani Padme Hum


Pagination in Restkit 0.2 using RKPaginator

Restkit 0.2 supports pagination through a class called RKPaginator. It has all the necessary methods for supporting pagination properly and efficiently.

The first step is to define the properties required for pagination.

//Properties required for pagination
@property (nonatomic,strong) RKPaginator *paginator;
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSMutableArray *objects;
@property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL isPaginatorLoading;

Also make sure to define the url path for your request. The parameters after : denotes the attributes of the RKPaginator object. For e.g, in the below path, instead of :currentPage, the value that will be passed is the currentPage attribute of the paginator object. The two attributes that are necessarily required are perPage and currentPage.

#define kUrlStringForPagination @"/ios-pagination/?dummy_variable=dummyVariable&page=:currentPage&per_page=:perPage&dummy_variable2=dummyVariable2"
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Burpsuite Walkthrough

Burpsuite is one of the best tools available for web application testing. Its wide variety of features helps us perform various tasks, from intercepting a request and modifying it on the fly, to scanning a web application for vulnerabilities, to brute forcing login forms, to perfoming a check for the randomness of session tokens and many other functions. In this article we will be doing a complete walkthrough of Burpsuite discussing all its major features.

Burpsuite (free edition) is available by default in Backtrack 5. The professional edition can be downloaded from here. Some of the features that are not available in the free edition are Burp Scanner, Task Scheduler, Target Analyzer etc. Overall it has the following features.

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Everything about Mount Everest 1/50 - George Mallory and Andrew Irvine

Many of us must have heard about late Sir Edmund Hillary and late Sir Tenzing Norgay, the first two people to stand on top of the world, situated at an altitude of 8,848 m.

But very few of us know about George Mallory and Andrew Irvine. Known as the best climber of his generation, George mallory had made a number of attempts from the north side of everest in Tibet. Back in those days, there was no specific route to the summit of Everest. The expeditions teams have to figure out their own routes, keeping in mind the places where they would put their camps and the threat of avalanches, blind crevasses, and exposure.

In 1921, a team led by George Mallory finally discovered a route to the summit of Everest. This route is still being followed by climbers climbing from the north side. He named several places along the way, including the famous North Col.

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iOS Application security Part 3 - Understanding the Objective-C Runtime

Almost all the native iOS applications are written in Objective-C. All these apps use Cocoa which is a library that sits on top on Objc-C and provides high level APIs that make development for Mac and iOS much easier. Cocoa also adds a runtime environment for the applications. In this article, we will focus on understanding the Objective-C runtime and all the intricate details about how the language functions internally. This will help us get a much deeper understanding of its applications to iOS application security.

Objective-C runtime

Objective-C is a runtime oriented language. Now the questions that arises is, what is a runtime language ? Well, a runtime language is a language that decides what to implement in a function and other decisions during the runtime of the applications. Read on →

iOS Application security Part 2 - Getting class information of iOS apps

Have you ever checked out an iOS app and thought it was cool, and wondered if you could find some information about the source code of the app, the third-party libraries it uses, or how the code is designed internally ? Have you ever wondered if it was possible to dump all the images, plist files used in any app either preinstalled on your device or downloaded from the App store? If the answer is Yes, then you have come to the right place.

In this article, we will look at how we can analyze any preinstalled app on your device or any other app downloaded from App store and discover things about the source code of the app like the classes that it uses, the names of the view controllers it uses, the internal libraries, and even intricate details like the variables and methods names used in any particular class or view controller. We will then look at how we can decrypt the applications downloaded from the App store and dump all the images, plist files that the app uses.

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iOS Application security Part 1 - Setting up a mobile pentesting platform

In this article series, we will be learning about the tools and techniques required to perform penetration testing and Vulnerability assessment on iOS Applications.

Jailbreaking your device

If you are serious about iOS security, then having a jailbroken device is a must. In this section, we will look at how we can jailbreak an iOS device. Jailbreaking a device has many advantages. You can install tools like nmap, metasploit and even run your own custom python code on the device. Imagine having the power to run a vulnerability scan on a website from the palm of your hand. To know more about jailbreaking and the advantages of doing it, i recommend you have a look at this article.

Jailbreaking your device is as simple as downloading a jailbreaking software and clicking on jailbreak. Read on →

Ghost USB Honeypot Part 2 - Installing and running the honeypot

This article is in continuation of Part 1 of the series on Ghost USB Honeypot. Malware threats have become very common these days and hence the need of honeypots to detect those malwares have become equally important. In the last few years, we have seen how USB based malwares can be used to target highly protected machines that are not connected to the internet. In order to detect malwares that spread over USB devices, the Ghost USB Honeypot project was started. Ghost is a honeypot for detecting malware that spreads via USB devices. The honeypot currently supports Windows XP and Windows 7. The way Ghost works is that it first tries to emulate a USB thumb drive. If the malware identifies the emulated device as a USB thumb drive, it will try to infect it. Ghost then looks for write requests to the drive, which is an indication of a malware.

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Ghost USB Honeypot Part 1- Interview with Project Leader Sebastian Poeplau

Malware threats have become very common these days. In the past, many honeypots have been created to detect malware propagation over the network. These honeypots trick the malware into believing that they are a part of the network. These honeypots are however isolated and once they have been infected, they can be used to study the behaviour of the malware. Network based malware have always been more successful, given the large number of systems they can affect in a short period of time.

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Backtrack 5 R3 Walkthrough part 4


DHCPig is a very nice and handy little tool used to carry out an advanced DHCP exhaustion attack. It does this by grabbing all the IP addresses in its subnet by sending different DHCP requests for those IP addresses. It also finds out its neighbour’s IP addresses in its vicinity and releases their IP addresses by sending DHCP releases to the server. It then waits for a specific timeout on its sent packets, and if the timeout is reached, it means all the IP addresses in the network are now used up.However, some neighbours may still have IP addresses on the network that will have IP addresses conflicting with the IP addresses taken up the attacking machine. In this case, DHCpig can also knock all the windows systems offline by sending gratuitous ARP requests from all the IP address in the network. A gratuitous ARP request is used to check for duplicate IP addresses. If there is another device on the network using the same IP address (our attacking machine), the windows machine will receive an ARP reply from the attacker’s machine. This way, the Window’s machine will know that it has an IP address conflict with another system on the network. As a result, it will try to obtain another IP address but since all the IP addresses are now exhausted, it wont be able to get a new IP address.

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Backtrack 5 R3 Walkthrough part 2

This article is in continuation to part 1 of the Backtrack Walkthrough Series. In the previous articles we discussed some of the most important new tools that were added in the most recent revision of Backtrack 5 like Dnmap, Fern-Wifi-Cracker etc. In this article we will look at some of the other main tools added in Backtrack 5 R3.

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Backtrack 5 R3 Walkthrough part 1

Backtrack is one of the most popular Linux distributions used for Penetration testing and Security Auditing. The Backtrack development team is sponsored by Offensive Security. On 13th August 2012, Backtrack 5 R3 was released. This included the addition of about 60 new tools, most of which were released during the Defcon and Blackhat conference held in Las Vegas in July 2012. In this series of articles, we will look at most of the new tools that were introduced with Backtrack 5 R3 and look at their usage. Some of the notable changes included tools for mobile penetration testing, GUI tools for Wi-fi cracking and a whole new category of tools called Physical Exploitation.

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Defcon 20 Day 3 Review

Defcon day 3 started with one of the most awaited talks of Defcon 20. It was the talk “Defeating PPTP VPNs and WPA2 Enterprise with MS-CHAPv2” by Moxie Marlinspike, David Hulton and Marsh Ray. Moxie marlinspike has been one of the most popular speakers at Defcon for the past few years and as expected, the hall was full of people.

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Defcon 20 Day 2 Review

The talks on Defcon day 2 were scheduled to begin from 10 am. I reached the venue at 8:30 am and decided to use the time to buy some Defcon merchandise. The lines for the merchandise are usually very long but it wasn’t at that time of the day.

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A New DNS Exploitation technique - Ghost domain names

DNS is a naming system which coverts human readable domain names into computer readable IP addresses. Whenever there is a query for a domain which is not in the resolver’s cache, the process happens by traversing through the entire DNS hierarchy from the root servers to the top level domain (for e.g .com). The top level domain then gives us the information about the nameserver that has been delegated the responsibility of the domain whose IP address we are looking for. We then get the information about that domain from it’s nameserver. The results are then cached by the DNS resolver with a particular value of TTL(time to live) after which the entry in the cache expires. In some cases a domain may be identified as malicious and needs to be removed. This could be because of various reasons like malware propogation, phishing etc. One of the steps to prevent users from accessing this domain is by deleting the domain from its TLD (top level domain) servers. However this does not completely remove the threat because the domain will still be resolved by the resolver until the TTL expires. In this article we will discuss about a recent DNS exploit discovered by researchers which is present in most of the DNS servers which exploits a weakness in the cache update logic of some of the DNS servers. This allows their cache to be overwritten in such a way that it is possible to continuously extend the TTL for the delegation data of a particular domain and prevent it from expiring. Hence the domain will be completely resolvable even though it has been deleted from the TLD servers. These types of domains have been named as Ghost Domain Names.

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Abusing Social Networking Sites to Perform Content Forgery

Web Application vulnerabilities in social networking sites is very common these days. In this article we will be discussing a vulnerability found in Social networking sites because of which it is possible to spoof the content shown to the user. Basically whenever someone wants to share, post or send a link on Facebook or some other social networking site, a request goes through from their servers to the link which the user wants to share. This happens because Facebook (or that particular social networking site) wants to display a quick snapshot of what appears in the link to the user. However, these requests by social networking sites are easily identifiable because of the user-agent field in the headers of the incoming requests to the server or through their source IP address that resolves to a particular domain name. Hence it is possible for a malicious person to differentiate between the requests coming from the social networking sites and those coming from the users. The attacker can then display a simple image when the request is coming from Facebook so that on Facebook the snapshot appears to be that of a simple image. However when the user clicks on the link on Facebook, the attacker can know that the request is from the user by checking the user-agent field and redirect him to a malicious website.

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Circumventing NAT using UDP hole punching

A lot of the networks use NAT (Network Address Translation) these days. This allows the systems on the same network to have a single global IP address. This also assures enhanced security but at the same time adds complications specially while connecting to P2P (Peer to Peer) networks. This is because at the time of initiating a connection in a Peer to Peer network, it is not possible to determine which packet coming from the peer is intended for which host on the network simply because they have one global IP address. Also, most of the networks with NAT may drop incoming packets simply because it cannot figure out which client on the NAT the packet is directed to, or may recognize it as an unauthorized packet etc. Some of the common Peer to Peer applications are Skype, Spotify etc.

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Scanning the web with Ammonite

Ammonite is a Fiddler extension used to scan web application for common vulnerabilities like verbose and blind SQL injection, OS commanding, local file inclusion, buffer overflows, format string vulnerabilities etc. Ammonite can also scan responses for important information like credit card numbers. Some of the unique features of Ammonite is its ability to test all sections of an HTTP Request for which includes headers (ever heard of SQL injection through HTTP headers ? ), cookies etc. One of the other features which is particularly interesting about Ammonite is the ability to pause, cancel and resume individual test cases. This is different than the conventional web scanners where the tests are executed in a particular order and we can just wait and watch if some test is taking a long time. Ammonite also has features for exporting requests in Python which aids in exploit development. We can also generate our own customised HTML report.

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Inserting Vulnerabilities in Web Applications

In this article we will look at how we can insert vulnerabilities in web applications. Why? There are basically two reasons. Firstly, because it allows us to see the application from the eyes of a web developer and not a hacker. Secondly, because it allows us to create a platform where we can create a set of vulnerable web applications, and fuse them all together in a Virtual machine. So now, several people can test their web application security skills on the VM and learn from it. Some of the other reasons might be to leave a backdoor onto the server once the attacker has got access. Some of the backdoors could be very easily found out as they stand apart from the rest of the applications, but if the web application itself has been made vulnerable instead, then its a bit tough to detect it.

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